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Common Terms of Use for Our Services

These Common Terms of Use for Our Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Common Terms of Use") specify the matters that require the consent of customers in relation to the use of all services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") provided by LIFEHUB Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Company"). In addition, any use of the Services requires that customers agree to the Privacy Policy of the Company. The Common Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy shall be deemed to have been agreed to upon completion of the registration process for use of the Services, so please make sure to read them before registering.

Article 1 (Application)

  1. The purpose of the Common Terms of Use is to set forth the terms and conditions of use that are common to the Services, the terms and conditions of service provision, and the rights and obligations relationship between the customer and the Company with respect to the use of the Services, and the Common Terms of Use apply to the entire relationship between the customer and the Company with respect to the use of the Services.
  2. An agreement for the use of the Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Agreement") shall be entered into by and between the customer and the Company upon the customer's completion of the registration process for the use of the Services.
  3. The Company may establish separate terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "Service Specific Terms of Use") for each Service depending on the Services used by the customer. If any Service Specific Terms of Use apply between the customer and the Company, both the Common Terms of Use and the relevant Service Specific Terms of Use shall apply. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the Common Terms of Use and the Service Specific Terms of Use applicable to the customer, the relevant Service Specific Terms of Use shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict.
  4. In the case that the Company enters into an agreement with a customer in relation to the Services that differs from these Terms of Use or the Service Specific Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as an "Individual Agreement"), the relevant Individual Agreement shall prevail.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The following terms shall have the meanings set forth below. In addition, when the terms defined below are used in the Service Specific Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy or any other rules, regulations or documents, etc. of the Company, they shall have the same meaning as set forth below unless the context requires that they be interpreted otherwise or unless otherwise defined in such rules, etc.

  1. "Customer"
    shall mean any legal entity, organization or individual using the Services of the Company.
  2. "User"
    shall mean a customer who has performed registration for use in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 3 of the Common Terms of Use.
  3. "Common Terms of Use"
    shall mean these Common Terms of Use for Our Services.
  4. “Service Specific Terms of Use”
    shall mean the terms of use that are individually determined by the Company for each specific Service.
  5. "Website"
    shall mean the website operated by the Company at the domain owned by the Company.
  6. “Services”
    shall mean all services provided by the Company.
  7. "Service Agreement"
    shall mean an agreement entered into by and between the Customer and the Company pursuant to the provisions of the Common Terms of Use, Service Specific Terms of Use and Individual Agreements for the Customer's use of the Services.
  8. “Registration Applicant”
    means any legal entity, organization or individual that wishes to use the Services.
  9. "Intellectual Property Rights"
    means copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights (including the right to obtain such rights or to apply for and register industrial property rights in respect of such rights).
  10. "Registered Information"
    means information registered by the User upon registration for use of the Services, other information that the Company requests be registered while using the Services, and any additional or changed information relating to such information from the User.
  11. "Anti-social Forces, etc."
    means an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a person for whom five (5) years have not elapsed since he/she ceased to be a member of an organized crime group, a quasi-member of an organized crime group, a company affiliated with an organized crime group, a corporate racketeer, a rogue person or group proclaiming itself to be a social activist, a special intellectual crime group, or any other person equivalent to the above.
  12. "Content"
    means all information that the Customer has access to through the Services (including letters and texts, images, videos and other images, audio, music and other sounds, software, programs, codes and other data).
  13. "Force Majeure"
    means fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, typhoons, lightning, wind and flood damage and other acts of God, epidemics and other major infectious disease outbreaks, infection control measures associated with major infectious diseases, power outages, transportation accidents, line congestion and failure, server failure, software failure, any other problems incurred by hardware or software in providing the Services, enactment, amendment or repeal of laws and regulations, orders or dispositions by public authorities such as government agencies, etc. and other acts of the government, strikes, lockouts and other acts of dispute, lockdowns, riots, civil commotions, wars, terrorism or any other events beyond the reasonable control of the Company.
  14. "Account"
    means the email address registered as the User ID and the corresponding password and any other ID etc. that the Company may grant to the Customer to enable the Customer to use the Services.

Article 3 (Registration for Use)

  1. Persons who desire to use the Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Registration Applicants") shall register with the Company to use the Services by agreeing to comply with the Common Terms of Use and by providing the Company with certain information as designated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Registered Items") in the manner prescribed by the Company.
  2. If the Company decides that the Registration Applicant falls under any of the following items, the Company may refuse registration or re-registration, and shall have no obligation whatsoever to disclose the reason thereof.
    1. All or part of the Registered Items provided to the Company is false, erroneous or omitted.
    2. The Registration Applicant is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship or a person under assistance, and the consent, etc. of the statutory agent, the guardian, the curator or their assistant has not been obtained.
    3. The Registration Applicant is an Anti-social Force, etc., or has any interaction or involvement with an Anti-social Force, etc. in some way such as cooperating with or being involved in the maintenance, operation or management of an Anti-social Force, etc. by providing funds or otherwise.
    4. The Registration Applicant is a party or its related person who breached the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use, the Individual Agreements or any other agreements between the Customer and the Company in the past.
    5. The Registration Applicant has been subject to any of the measures set forth in Article 12 of the Common Terms of Use.
    6. The registration or re-registration is otherwise inappropriate.

Article 4 (Change of Registered Information)

  1. In the event of any changes to the Registered Information, the User shall notify the Company of such changes without delay in the manner prescribed by the Company.
  2. The Company shall have no liability for any damage incurred by the Customer due to the Customer's failure to give notice under the preceding paragraph or any errors in the notified Registered Information, etc.

Article 5 (Account Management)

  1. The User shall be responsible for appropriately managing and storing Account information (including, but not limited to, IDs and passwords), and shall not allow a third party to use, or rent, assign, change the name of, or sell or purchase or otherwise the Account information.
  2. If the Account is found to be stolen or used by a third party, the User shall immediately notify the Company and follow the instructions from the Company.
  3. The User shall be liable for any damage caused by inadequate management, misuse, use by a third party, etc. of the Account information, and the Company shall not be liable in any way.

Article 6 (Use of Services)

  1. The User may use the Services only during the term for using the Services in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use and the Individual Agreement.
  2. The preparation and maintenance of computers, software and other equipment, communication lines and other communication environments, etc. required to use the Services shall be at the expense and responsibility of the User.
  3. The User shall take security measures, such as preventing computer virus infections and preventing unauthorized access and information leaks, etc. at his/her own expense and responsibility in accordance with the User's usage environment.
  4. The User shall be responsible for backing up the Registered Information and any other information required to use the Services (hereinafter referred to as "User Usage Information"). When installing software, etc. from the Website on computers, etc. to commence using the Services or while using the Services, the User shall pay adequate care in order to prevent damage, disappearance, modification, etc. of the User Usage Information and failure of or damage, etc. to equipment.
  5. The Company shall not be liable to the User for any damage incurred by the User as a result of the User's breach of any of the provisions set forth in the preceding paragraphs.

Article 7 (Usage Fee and Payment Method)

  1. The User may use the Services by paying a usage fee (initial fee and monthly fee or monthly fee). The usage fee and the method of payment shall be in accordance with the following provisions, the Service Specific Terms of Use and the Individual Agreement.
  2. The usage fee shall not be calculated on a per diem basis and the Company shall not refund the usage fee for the Services already received even if the usage period of the Services starts or ends in the middle of a month.
  3. The User shall pay the usage fee in the manner prescribed by the Company.
  4. The Company shall not refund the usage fee already paid for whatever reason, and the User shall agree to this in advance.
  5. The details of the already executed Service Agreement may be changed only when the Customer and the Company agree in a manner separately established by the Company.

Article 8 (Cancellation and Refund)

  1. The User may not cancel the Service Agreement during the effective term thereof. In addition, in the event that the User ceases to or does not use the Services during the period of use of the Services, the Company shall not be obligated to refund the usage fees already paid.
  2. Unless the User indicates its intention to cancel the Services in the manner prescribed by the Company at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the effective term of the Service Agreement, the Service Agreement shall be automatically renewed on a yearly basis under the same terms and conditions.
  3. The use of the Services shall not be subject to the cooling-off system established under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions.
  4. In the event of any outstanding debts to the Company at the time of the Customer's cancellation, all such debts shall be automatically accelerated and become immediately due and payable to the Company.
  5. Even after the Service Agreement is canceled, the User shall not be released from their obligations and liabilities (including, but not limited to, compensation for damage) under the Service Agreement to the Company and other third parties.
  6. If a User cancels the Service Agreement, the Company may, at the Company's discretion, delete the Account and deregister the User.
  7. If the Customer wishes to re-enter the Service Agreement after it was canceled, it shall be necessary to perform re-registration. The User shall agree in advance that any data before the cancellation will not be carried over upon re-registration.

Article 9 (Prohibited Matters)

  1. The Customer shall not conduct any of the following acts when using the Services:
    1. acts that violate the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use or the Individual Agreement;
    2. actual or possible acts in violation of laws and regulations or actual or possible acts related to a crime;
    3. violent acts, fraudulent or threatening acts or acts intended to obstruct the business of the Company, other users of the Services or any other third parties;
    4. acts that go against public order and morals;
    5. acts that infringe upon the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, reputation or other rights or interests of the Company, other users of the Services or any other third parties;
    6. acts that impose an excessive load on the networks or systems, etc. of the Services;
    7. reverse engineering or otherwise analyzing software or other systems provided by the Company;
    8. acts that may interfere with the operation of the Services;
    9. unauthorized access to the networks or systems, etc. of the Company;
    10. pretending to be a third party;
    11. using the Accounts of other Users of the Services;
    12. advertising, publicity, solicitation or business activity on the Services not approved in advance by the Company;
    13. collection of information of other users of the Services;
    14. causing disadvantage, damage or discomfort to the Company, other users of the Services or any other third parties;
    15. providing benefits to Anti-social Forces, etc;
    16. using the Services for the purpose of resale or subleasing;
    17. causing directly or indirectly or facilitating any of the acts set forth in the preceding items;
    18. attempt to do any of the foregoing acts; or
    19. any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.
  2. The Company may make a claim against the Customer for injunction against such acts in addition to all damages incurred by the Company due to a violation under the preceding paragraph (including reasonable attorneys' fees).

Article 10 (Suspension of Services due to a Force Majeure, etc.)

In the event of any of the following circumstances, the Company may suspend or discontinue the provision of all or part of the Services without prior notice to the Customer and shall not be liable for any damage incurred by the Customer as a result of such suspension or discontinuation:

  1. urgent inspection or maintenance of computer systems relating to the Services;
  2. the operation of the Services becomes impossible due to failure, incorrect operation, excessive concentration of access or unauthorized access, hacking, etc. of computers or communication lines, etc.;
  3. the Services can no longer be operated due to a force majeure; or
  4. the Company otherwise determines that suspension or discontinuation is necessary.

Article 11 (Ownership of Rights)

  1. All intellectual property rights related to the Services belong to the Company or the person who granted a license to the Company, and the Company does not license the intellectual property rights related to the Website or the Services by virtue of the Service Agreement.
  2. The right for images, explanations and any other Content of the Services belong to the Company or persons who have the rights to such Content.
  3. The Customer shall not adapt, edit or modify, or allow any third party to use or disclose the Services or any information or Content provided by the Company without obtaining the Company's consent, and shall not conduct any act which may infringe the intellectual property rights of the Company or any person who has granted a license to the Company for any reason (including, but not limited to, disassembling, decompiling and reverse engineering).

Article 12 (Suspension, etc. of Services Due to the Customer)

  1. If the Company determines that a Customer falls under any of the following items, the Company may, at the Company's discretion and without prior notice or demand, suspend the use of the Services in whole or in part (including temporary services), suspend the Customer's eligibility or delete the Customer' s registration, terminate the Service Agreement or take other measures that the Company deems appropriate with respect to such Customer:
    1. the Customer breaches any provision of the Common Terms of Use and the Service Specific Terms of Use;
    2. the Customer breaches any Individual Agreement or any other agreement between the Customer and the Company;
    3. a false fact is found in the Registered Information;
    4. the Customer suspends payment or becomes insolvent, or a petition is filed for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, commencement of civil rehabilitation proceedings, commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings, commencement of special liquidation or commencement of any similar proceedings;
    5. the Customer falls under any of the items of Paragraph 2 of Article 3;
    6. If the Customer is unreachable for more than two (2) consecutive weeks; or
    7. the Company otherwise determines that the use of the Services or continuation of the qualification as a User is inappropriate.
  2. If any of the events set forth in the preceding paragraph occurs, all debts owed by the User to the Company shall be automatically accelerated, and the User shall immediately pay all debts to the Company.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Customer as a result of the measures taken by the Company pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this article.

Article 13 (Amendment to and Termination of Services)

  1. The Company may make changes to the Services or terminate any Services in progress for the convenience of the Company.
  2. The Company shall give prior notice to the Customer in a manner that the Company deems appropriate if it intends to terminate the Services in progress. Provided, however, that the Company may not notify the Customer in case of an emergency.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Customer as a result of the measures taken by the Company pursuant to this article.

Article 14 (Liability for Damages and Force Majeure)

  1. The Customer shall compensate the Company for all direct or indirect damages incurred by the Company (including cases where the Company receives a claim for damages or other claims from a third party arising out of or in connection with such acts) resulting from the Customer's breach of the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use, the Individual Agreements or the Customer's use of the Services (including reasonable attorneys' fees).
  2. In the event that the Company is liable for default, tort or otherwise for any damage incurred by the Customer arising from or in connection with the use of the Services, the Company shall compensate the Customer for only the direct and ordinary damage actually incurred by the Customer up to the amount of the usage fees for the Services that caused the damage (the total amount paid by the Customer to the Company in the prior twelve (12) months, if the underlying Services are not identifiable). The Company SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL (including cases where the occurrence of damage is foreseen or could be foreseen), FUTURE OR LOST PROFITS.
  3. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply if the contract between the Customer and the Company is a consumer contract prescribed in the Consumer Contract Act and if there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
  4. Even if the Company delays in performing its obligations or fails to perform its obligations due to a force majeure, the Company shall not be responsible for such failure. In such an event, the Company shall promptly notify the Customer and make its best efforts for recovery.

Article 15 (Denial of Warranty and Disclaimer)

  1. The Company makes no warranty, express or implied, that the Services are fit for the Customer’s particular purposes, that they have the merchantability, value, function, accuracy or usefulness expected by the Customer, that the use of the Services by the Customer is in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations or internal rules of industrial associations, that they are available for continuous use or that they will be free of defects.
  2. The Customer shall be solely responsible for, and the Company shall not be liable for, any transactions, communications or disputes, etc. arising between Customers or between the Customer and other third parties in connection with the Services or the Website.
  3. The Services or the Website may have links to other sites which are completely independent from the Services. The Company makes no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or credibility of the information contained in such linked websites. In addition, the Company shall not promote the websites, products or services of such third parties by links to other sites, regardless of the form. The Customer shall browse or use other sites from the Website at the Customer’s own responsibility.

Article 16 (Confidentiality)

The Customer shall treat as confidential and shall not disclose or divulge to any third party any non-public information that is disclosed to the Customer by the Company in connection with the Services for the purpose of treating such information as confidential, without the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 17 (Handling of Personal Information, etc.)

  1. The handling of the Personal Information of Customers and other information obtained in connection with the Services shall be subject to the Privacy Policy of the Company, and the Customer shall consent to the Company's handling of the Personal Information of Customers and other information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  2. The Company shall be entitled to freely use or disclose, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Use, etc.") any information or data, etc. provided by Customers to the Company as statistical information in a form in which individuals cannot be identified, at the Company's discretion, and Customers shall not object to such Use, etc.
  3. The Company may freely Use, etc. any information or data, etc. obtained through the Services (excluding that which falls under Personal Information) for the purpose of providing or improving the Services, improving other products or services, or for any other business purposes of the Company at its own discretion.
  4. The Company may use information or data, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two (2) paragraphs even after the expiration of the Service Agreement.

Article 18 (Late Payment Charge)

If the Customer owes any debts to the Company or if the Customer is late in paying any monetary debts owed to the Company, the Customer shall pay to the Company a delinquency charge at the rate of fourteen point six percent (14.6%) per annum for the period from the day following the due date to the date of the completion of payment.

Article 19 (Changes, etc. of Terms of Use)

  1. The Company may add, amend or delete, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Changes, etc.") the Common Terms of Use or the Service Specific Terms of Use if the Company deems it necessary.
  2. In case of Changes, etc. to the Common Terms of Use or the Service Specific Terms of Use, the Company shall announce the effective date and the details thereof by posting them on the Website or by other appropriate means, or notify the Customers of such changes. In this case, the rules relating to such Changes, etc. shall apply from the effective date. Provided, however, that if there are Changes, etc. that require the consent of the Customers under laws and regulations, the Company shall obtain the consent of the Customers in the manner prescribed by the Company.
  3. If there is a separate agreement between the Customer and the Company, the separate agreement shall continue to apply in priority to the extent that it differs from the Common Terms of Use or the Service Specific Terms of Use with respect to the Changes, etc.

Article 20 (Notice)

  1. Any inquiries concerning the Services, any other communications or notices to the Company from Customers, any notice concerning Changes, etc. to the Common Terms of Use or the Service Specific Terms of Use, and any other communications or notices to Customers from the Company shall be made in the manner specified by the Company.
  2. In the event that the Company contacts or sends notices to the email address or any other contact information included in the Registered Information to notify a User, such contact or notice shall be deemed to have arrived at the time when it should normally have arrived.

Article 21 (Assignment, etc. of Rights and Obligations)

  1. A Customer may not assign, transfer, pledge as collateral, or otherwise dispose of to a third party any positions under the Service Agreement or any other agreements established between the Customer and the Company, or the rights or obligations under the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use, or the Individual Agreement, without the prior written approval of the Company.
  2. The Company may assign, transfer, succeed to a third party or pledge as collateral any positions under the Service Agreement or any other agreements established between a Customer and the Company, or the rights or obligations under the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use, or the Individual Agreement if necessary for the business transfer, organizational restructuring or other management reasons, and the Customer shall agree in advance to such acts of the Company.

Article 22 (Severability)

Even if any provision or any part of the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use or the Individual Agreements is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, etc., the remaining provisions and remaining parts shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Article 23 (Governing Law and Jurisdictional Court)

  1. The governing law for the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use, the Individual Agreements,the Service Agreement and any and all other agreements concluded between the Customer and the Company shall be the laws of Japan.
  2. The Tokyo District Court shall be the court of first instance having exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of or in connection with the Common Terms of Use, the Service Specific Terms of Use, the Individual Agreements, or the Service Agreement.

(Established on June 1, 2024)