Mr. Nakano, CEO of LIFEHUB, took the stage at the "Morning Pitch" event.
October 31, 2022
We are pleased to announce that our CEO, Mr. Nakano, was a speaker at the 434th Health Tech Special on November 10, 2022 at Morning Pitch, a pitch event held every Thursday at 7:00 a.m., which is organized by Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co. and Nomura Securities Co. and aims to create business partnerships between venture companies and large corporations.
Image Source : November 10, Held 434th Health Tech Special|Morning Pitch|
"Morning Pitch is a pitch event held every Thursday at 7 AM, with the aim of creating business partnerships between venture companies and large corporations. Each week, five venture companies will pitch to an audience of approximately 300 people, including large corporations, venture capitalists, and media.Launched in January 2013, as of December 2021, the event has been held approximately 400 times, with a cumulative total of over 1,900 venture firms on the stage. The event is organized by Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co. and Nomura Securities Co."
Source : About Morning Pitch | Morning Pitch|
Speakers : Mr. Kazunobu Minato, Representative Director, Tech Doctor, Inc.
Akira Suzuki, COO, HIROTSU Bioscience Inc.
Mr. Takanobu Sakamoto, Executive Officer and CFO, Mediphone Inc.
Mr. Kazunori Asada, President, ViXion Inc. Hiroshi Nakano, CEO and Representative Director, LIFEHUB, Inc.
Each company will give a 4-minute pitch followed by a 15-minute Q&A period per company.
■Date and Time
November 10 (Thursday) 7:00-9:00
Hybrid event to be streamed LIVE from the venue
■Target Participants
・Large companies (listed companies and their subsidiaries, legally audited companies)
・Venture capital firms
・Financial institutions
・Financial institutions
・Government and municipal offices
■About application
Full application required
Application deadline : Tuesday of the week of the event (November 8, 2022)
How to apply : Register as a member of Morning Pitch and then apply to participate.
New registration URL :
Our mission is to create a world where all people can freely and abundantly live their lives through the creation of mechanical bodies using robotics and other cutting-edge technologies. As the first step, we are aiming to release a next-generation personal mobility vehicle equipped with a two-wheeled standing structure. This personal mobility vehicle realizes actions such as "walking, standing up, and climbing over" by reproducing a structure that imitates human legs in the chair-shaped passenger seat.