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Interviewed by Tokyo Metropolitan Corporate Location Consultation Center.

 September 9, 2022

An interview with LIFEHUB was featured on the "Case Studies and Special Features" page of the website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Corporate Location Consultation Center.The article covers in detail the background of our CEO, Mr. Nakano, history of the company's founding, product development, and advantages of being located in Tokyo. 

Publication address :

産経ニュース に掲載されました


株式会社産業経済新聞社と株式会社産経デジタルが運営するニュースサイトの「産経ニュース」の9月7日の記事にLIFEHUBのインタビュー記事が掲載されました。開発中の製品の仕様や今後の展望、当社代表取締役CEO 中野の製品開発に込めた思いなどについて詳しく取り上げられています。

Featured on Sankei News.

September 7, 2022 

LIFEHUB's interview was featured on September 7 in an article on Sankei News, a news website provided by Industrial Economic Newspaper Inc. and Sankei Digital Inc.The article focuses in detail on the specifications of the product under development, its future prospects, and the thoughts of our CEO, Mr. Nakano, on the development of the product.

PROTOCOLが運営するPRO Pitchの第1回に当社代表取締役CEO 中野が登壇しました


 PROTOCOLが運営する「PRO Pitch weelkly」の第一回(2022年9月1日(木)20時~20時30分開催)に当社代表取締役CEO中野が登壇しました。開発中のモビリティや弊社についてピッチが行われました。

CEO Nakano participated in the first PRO Pitch event held by PROTOCOL.

 September 1, 2022

Our CEO, Mr. Nakano, spoke at the first "PRO Pitch weelkly" (held on Thursday, September 1, 2022 from 8:00pm to 8:30pm), which is held by PROTOCOL. Pitches were presented about our company and mobility under development. The archive is available on PROTOCOL's YouTube channel. Anyone can watch it from the following URL.