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Our CEO will be speaking at the "LINX Startup Pitch".

May 11, 2022 

As a seed/early stage startup company tackling social issues from the perspective of technology and data science, we are pleased to announce that our CEO, Mr. Nakano, will be speaking at the LINX Startup Pitch, a community event for companies registered on the STORIUM new industry creation platform, to be held on May 25, 2022 (Wednesday).




Notification of Office Relocation

April 26, 2022 

This time,LIFEHUB Inc. has moved its office to the following address. 

【New Address】
B1 3-2-4 Ueno,Taito-ku,Tokyo 1100005 Japan  

【Start of operations at the new office】
April 20, 2022 (Wednesday)  

The entire management and staff are committed to the development of our first product, a "next-generation chair-type mobility" to be sold to the general public.Thank you for your continued support. 

日刊工業新聞社より発売のロボット情報誌「The ROBOT イノベーション×ビジネス」に掲載されました


日刊工業新聞社の月刊「機械設計」2022年4月別冊号として3月8日に発売されたロボット情報誌「The ROBOT イノベーション×ビジネス」に、当社代表取締役CEO 中野裕士のインタビュー記事が掲載されました。中野のバックグラウンドや創業に至った経緯、技術開発についてなど詳しく取り上げられています。

Featured in "The ROBOT Innovation x Business".

 March 9, 2022

An interview with our CEO, Hiroshi Nakano, was featured in the robot information magazine "The ROBOT Innovation x Business," which was released on March 8 as a separate issue of Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun's monthly "Kikai Sekkei" April 2022. The article covers in detail Nakano's background, how the company was founded, and its technological development.