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マイクロソフト社のスタートアップ支援プログラム「Microsoft for Startups」に採択されました。


 ロボティクスやAIのテクノロジーを駆使した機械の身体により人間の進化を目指すLIFEHUB株式会社(本社:東京都北区)は、Microsoft Corporation(本社:米国ワシントン州、以下「マイクロソフト社」)が提供する、スタートアップ企業の規模拡大を成功させるためのグローバルプログラムである「Microsoft for Startups」に採択されたことをお知らせいたします。

LIFEHUB has been selected for Microsoft for Startups.

 September 25, 2021

LIFEHUB Inc. (headquartered in Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan), which aims to advance human evolution through machine bodies using robotics and AI technologies, is pleased to announce that it has been selected by Microsoft Corporation (headquartered in Washington, USA, hereinafter referred to as "Microsoft Corporation".) for "Microsoft for Startups," a global program to help startups successfully scale their businesses.




Notice of Allocation of New Shares to a Third Party

February 1, 2021

LIFEHUB Inc. (Location: Kita-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Hiroshi Nakano,hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), which aims for evolution through the fusion of machines and humans, has raised approximately 32 million yen through a third-party allocation of new shares to Incubate Fund Inc. and private investors.